6 April 2013

7/100 - Alice

Today was finally a day we could call a lovely April one - sunshine, clear sky and around 10°C. I was knackered after my week at work, but decided to take a stroll in Camden Town and look for some boots since my trusty old ones have now given up service... I didn't end up with any boots, but did get to talk to Alice and her boyfriend Ian (behind her), and take a few pictures.

I saw them sitting on a kerb chilling out and I was at first a bit wary of asking them, half expecting them to tell me to bugger off, but I loved their look so couldn't resist. They were thankfully very cool about it! I'm not supportive of stereotypes, but where I come from there is a fine line between nice punks and skinhead types, so it's better to be safe than sorry... anyway, I'm glad they were the nice types :) Ian was sipping his beer and Alice sat next to him. I took Ian's photo but the light was way too harsh and I didn't want to bother him by asking him to move so I left it at that. I could however ask Alice to turn towards me, away from the light, resulting in this portrait. I'm not happy with the skin tone - it looks a bit flat, but that's what you get with such bad light. Despite that I still really like this picture, with Alice's friendly smile and amazing eyes! She is a very pretty girl, and I like how Ian's profile can be seen behind her. If I heard correctly, she and Ian both work in Camden, and were just taking a break. He's a drummer in a band, and she loves music as well; if she could travel anywhere in the world she would go to America on a road trip, or do a tour if she had her own band. Alice was a real pleasure to chat to, thank you for your time! Here's hoping you get to America some time!

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